Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keeping an Open Mind

The Closed Minded Fool!
The person who still learns, is the person who still listens!
Rodney's Painted Pen commentary

Keeping an Open Mind

As I leap into the saddle once more this grand day, in order to experience another romp upon parchment if you please, I am suddenly taken by this odd fact in my eyes, that folk seem determined often in cement fashion and steadfast form, to remain closed minded about many vital issues that circle us in life daily.

Odd to me due to this fact, most all know that the fool hears no longer, while the learned man continually walks through life with his ears open. I find this mule-footed stubborn stance many folks take quite quizzical indeed, for surely most are aware that the listening individual remains the person who grows daily in a myriad of ways, due to bright input, whilst the arrogant and mule stubborn type individual is still spouting the same verbiage identical to what they advocated twenty years ago.

Yes, I had a man tell me once, and only God knows why! He directed this thought and lesson towards me as a very young man, but he stated, Rodney, "for a man to ever learn he must listen" For we all know the content of our own heart and opinions quite well, most others around us as well in most instances, therefore, for us to speak the exact same opinion, message, passion, etc, for years shall finally lands us in the arena of boring where others are concerned and view us, for surely they have heard it before!

Now besides becoming a bore to all around us, leaving us with a tiny host of friends, due to our small amount of enlisted information and additional viewpoints and colored input added to our repertoire of mind voiced over the years, we as well risk experiencing a greater more glaring repercussion from our closed minded ways, being this, we make huge mistakes! Yes, personally, involving, family, community and world.

For when individuals insist on huddling in the smallest hovel of their own mind only, never allowing the input of others to paint their character in diversity and blended thought and perhaps beauty, they merely become vaulted individuals walking and roaming about in time stagnate .
Often these sad folk, spend their entire lifetime merely parroting their parents opinions, and those few others trusted, be it minister, teacher or uncle, but in fact have never stopped to examine some of these weightier issues of life themselves personally. I laugh now, perhaps some thinking this a tad foolish, and if so, I ask you now, were your parents republicans? And what are you this day?

I am not saying this day for heavens sake, that it is wrong to inherit traditional values and belief systems from our parents, for we all do, and rightly so, and wrongly so, often as well! We as well we are influenced by teachers and varied other folk in life, yet all mankind one day in time, needs to be willing to reassess and weigh afresh, their opinions and most passionate persuasion of thought, especially where others are concerned, and I think daily would be advised.

Yes, I have sensed for years now, that many a fine folk are just plain trapped in this stance of bedrock stubborn, never even for an instant entertaining another person's take on an issue. I think it high time we once again began to listen to our conscience, yes I know, haven't heard the mere mention of the word lately have you?

I shall submit a personal and astounding personal example for your perusal this day if I may?
I for many years was a tough advocate of the death sentence, for years! Though I had always stated that I could not however personally pull the switch either! Hmmm, that's speaks volumes now does it not, of my stance then?
One day five years ago when writing a piece, I suddenly realized in colored revelation and bursting illumination, from my very heart within, that capital punishment was wrong period! No matter how you cut it! Now I speak only to the personal conviction that my own heart freshly dictated, not presuming to know what is right for you.
But I was astounded, absolutely astonished, and pleased most of all, that I still in childlike fashion could hear the inward call and conscience of my heart.

Imagine that, an old dog can learn new tricks! And being a middle of the road dog trainer, I can attest to this fact personally as well.
Folks, change can take place! Minds can be modified for the good, but...always at the heart, core and hub of every new excursion and voyage of growth, learning and enlightenment, remains this vital prerequisite, one must listen, watch and feel!

Rodney Evan Bohen